10 Months Old Baby Food / Diet Chart With Time and Special Recipes


Hello Mom’s

Are you stressing about 10 months old baby food chart? This article is for you !Is your baby already 10 months old? Time flies! Moms sure agree..
In this blog, we have a complete week wise 10 month old diet chat that you can follow to feed you 10 month old baby. It has a combination of nutritious solid foods and a very healthy snack and health drink. Try all of it in and share your views in the comments.

At 10 months, your baby may exhibit a preference for certain food groups. It is still too early to label your little one as a “fussy eater” or “healthy eater”. However, this is a great time to experiment with new flavours and textures. Along with the baby’s innate curiosity about things surrounding them, it would be the perfect time to encourage interest in the variety of food groups they could enjoy.

What should be my 10-month baby feeding schedule?

While the quantity of food is generally guided by your baby’s interest in consuming it, the general thumb rule for a feeding schedule for a 10-month baby is as follows:

image source: Mommy Cooks


A 3 meals of solid food + breast milk/ formula milk. If required, a light, healthy snack may be included in between the meals.
When it come to scack for your 10 months old baby your try our Evening Snacks Combo Porridge Mix. A healthy snack for your baby.
This could help in a healthy weight gain for your 10 months old baby. These food recipies for your baby is easy to cook and healthy.
Try to fed natural porridge and puree for a safe weight gain in your babies.


What can I feed my 10-month-old baby?

In addition to breast milk/ formula milk, the baby can have:

  • Fruits cut into small cubes/strips
  • Vegetables that are mashed/ soft cooked
  • All dairy products except cow’s milk (Cow’s milk can be started after the baby turns 1 year)
  • Proteins that are well cooked
  • Cereals and grains to provide carbohydrates

Have you tried the By Grandma 10 month baby food schedule to help you plan the perfect and healthy diet for your little one? It has been specially designed to suit the Indian palate with easily available ingredients.

10 month old baby diet chart.

Day of the WeekEarly MorningBreakfastMid-MorningLunchAfternoonDinnerLate night
MondayBreast Milk/ FormulaCereal with grated appleByGrandma Weight gain Porridge MixRice with chicken brothBreast Milk/ FormulaDosa with sambarBreast Milk/ Formula
TuesdayBreast Milk/ FormulaByGrandma Oatmeal porridge with bananaByGrandma Brain booster Porridge MixVegetables, rice, and grilled fishBreast Milk/ FormulaChicken soup and toastBreast Milk/ Formula
WednesdayBreast Milk/ FormulaEgg yolks with toastByGrandma Weight gain Porridge MixVegetable pulao with curdsBreast Milk/ FormulaByGrandma Weight gain Porridge MixBreast Milk/ Formula
ThursdayBreast Milk/ FormulaBygrandma Green gram,
Dalia porridge
ByGrandma Brain booster Porridge MixKhichdi with vegetables and curdsBreast Milk/ FormulaChapatti with vegetablesBreast Milk/ Formula
FridayBreast Milk/ FormulaPaneer burji sandwichCut melonRice and pumpkin curryBreast Milk/ FormulaByGrandma Weight gain Porridge MixBreast Milk/ Formula
SaturdayBreast Milk/ FormulaFrench toastByGrandma Weight gain Porridge MixChapatti with sambar and vegetablesBreast Milk/ FormulaRice and steamed fishBreast Milk/ Formula
SundayBreast Milk/ FormulaByGrandma Ragi porridgeSteamed applesIdlis with sambarBreast Milk/ FormulaByGrandma Weight gain Porridge MixBreast Milk/ Formula


Shop For 10-month Old Baby Food?


Is your 10-month baby not eating?

If it is a singular day when this is happening, you do not have reasons to worry. Pause a minute to get answers to the below questions. A few tweeks in your 10 months old babys diet can help you over come this problem.

  • Is your baby sick?
    • Check body temperature and inspect for signs of bloated stomach or rashes.
  • Is your baby adequately hydrated?
    • In your mind, re-examine if the baby has pooped and peed as usual.
  • Is the baby currently exploring surroundings and does not want to be stopped from playing?
    • At 10 months, the baby would love to crawl around the house. He/she loves to explore every nook and corner. Often, meal times are not a priority!
  • Is the baby high seat a not-so-welcome part of every meal?
    • Decorate the baby high seat with brightly coloured accessories.
  • Has enough time passed since the last meal/ snack?
    • Allow the baby to feel hungry before you insist on the next meal. Also, if the baby has had more quantity of food than usual or a heavy meal previously, you may have to readjust his/her diet accordingly.
  • Is the baby preferring to drink more breast milk/ formula milk than have solid food?
    • In consultation with the baby’s paediatrician, examine if you can cut down on any feeds through the day to encourage the baby to eat solid food.
  • Has there been any change in the baby’s routine caused by travel/ additional activities outside the home?
    • Like adults, babies are creatures of habits. Any change in their routine may cause unexpected responses.


Are there any 10 month baby toys that can help in boosting their interest in food?

You can buy toy fruits and vegetables that can be shown to a baby whenever a specific fruit/vegetable is eaten. This helps the baby not only to connect pictures/ toys with actual food, but also in understanding various food groups that are part of his/her diet. Do ensure these pretend fruits and vegetables are made of safe material with round edge design. The variety and colour of these toys will also be helpful in keeping the baby engaged during meal times.

Are there any self-feeding utensils available for 10 month old baby?


Fork and Spoon

At 10 months, babies try to use a spoon and feed themselves. It may take several attempts, but babies are persistent. You will see that they are able to manoeuvre the spoon and deposit food to their mouth. There are several brands of curved baby spoons and forks available in the market, designed especially to suit the needs of a self feeding baby. The non-slip handles are short, spoon base is wide enough to fit inside the mouth and is made of safe, food grade materials. The fork tips are blunt to ensure no harm during use. They are available in various attractive colours too.


You can buy small, stackable bowls that are colourful, easy to clean and efficient. Try looking for bowls that come with lids. These come in handy when you travel or just to put away baby food until consumed. Do check if they are made of safe, food grade material before you buy them.


Feeding babies can get messy and there is no avoiding it. So, a bib can make life a little less messy. Bibs are available in various designs. The basic ones come just around the neck and covering part of the chest. The wearable bibs provide protection to the arms with sleeves attached. Bibs can be made of cloth or soft plastic. A word of caution here: babies are more likely to attempt removing the bib, so do not buy too many bibs until you are confident of its use.

In conclusion, we hope you now have a clearer understanding of steps you can take to make meal times a pleasurable experience for you and your little one. As the old saying goes:  If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try, try again. It holds good even during meal times for a 10 month old baby!

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