6 Months Baby Food Chart

 We have made an editable and downloadable 6 months baby food chart for Indian babies that helps all the new moms handle their 6 month baby's diet hassle-free.

At six months, your baby need to get all the essential weaning foods at some parts of India mothers use weaning foods for a 5 month baby. That's when life is bound to get a little more complicated for moms because you must start planning your 6 months baby food chart —making a food chart for your 6+ months baby stressing you out?

If you are a new mom, you might be caught up with day-to-day motherhood chores that you haven't had a chance to think about preparations for the next day, let alone next week.

The little bundles of joy in your hands are simple and complicated at the same time. Simple as their needs are mainly food and sleep; complex as their needs are mostly food and sleep!

We at ByGrandma prepare food for 6 month babyWe like to see you happy. Here's an easy option to prepare your baby's personalized nutritional food chart.

Unlike other countries where the food and culture is standard across the entire country. Whereas in India we have a vast group of diverse culture and food habits. There is diversity, even in your 6 months baby's diet chart as well.

For example, a 6 month baby food chart in Kerala will have a different diet chart compared with a 6 month baby food chart in Kolkata . So, at ByGrandma we have made a baby food chart week by week for the complete 30days of the 6th month of your baby.

We're very confident that this is the only 6 month baby food chart that you need when you start weaning your baby at 6 months.

Scroll down to access the food chart in a completely downloadable PDF printable format.

6 month baby food chart week 1

6 month baby food chart week 2

6 month baby food chart week 3

6 month baby food chart week 4

The same goes for a 6 month baby food chart in Tamil Nadu is entirely different from a 6 month baby food chart in Gujarat. You can be from any part of India, but your Baby's daily nutritional requirements remain the same. You can follow any diet pattern according to your region and state but make sure your baby has a well-balanced nutritious diet.

food for 6 month baby

Here is a downloadable of the 6 Month Baby Food Chart!

Best foods for a 6-Month Old Baby?

Please avoid salt and sugar for the baby until the age of one, as it puts unwanted stress on their kidneys.

So, here is the list of healthy food items for a 6-month old baby:

1. Fruits PureeFruits can be steamed and mashed or pureed to be given as their first solid food. The popular fruits that are given as baby foods are apple, banana, pear, avocado, chikoo, and peach.
weaning foods

2. Vegetable puree: Vegetables such a sweet potato, potato, carrot, sweet pumpkin, french beans etc. can be steamed and given either as finger food or as a puree.
5 month baby food

3. Rice porridge: Rice is a good source of carbohydrates and vitamins for babies. Broken rice can be given as porridge, made in breast milk.

Shop For ByGrandma Baby Foods
For 6 Month Old baby.

4. Cereal porridge: It can also be made from a variety of single grain cereals like wheat, millets, barley, oats, etc. in breast milk or formula milk. These cereals can be dried and powdered together or separately, to make a mix for the gruel.
baby food chart month by month

5. Vegetable soup: A variety of vegetables can be boiled in water, and the stock can be used for making soup.
6 month baby food menu

6. Yogurt: Although cow’ milk is not allowed until the age of one for babies,Unsweetened yogurt can be given in moderate amount as an alternative to purees.
baby food products

Shop For Baby Foods in 12 Different Flavors – Shop Now

What if Your 6 Months Old Baby is Allergic to a Particular Food?

A baby being allergic to any food may result in the form of vomiting, rashes, pain in the stomach etc. So, if you find there is an allergic reaction, immediately stop the food that you have been giving your baby. And go the best doctor available. Do not compromise on that! You can avoid the allergy-causing food and retry it after few months.

Coming to the topic, what food groups to start with – is a question that crosses every mother’s mind. While there is a wide range of options to choose from, it remains pertinent to remember that not all food ingredients suit all babies.

best formula milk in india

Every baby is unique and may develop unique tastes. This may also be true amongst 2 babies in the same family. Further, the ability of the baby to effectively digest newly introduced food groups will determine the pace of introduction of food items.

So if we told you there are ready-to-use food chart for 6 months+ babies, with authentic Indian food ingredients that have been developed with the experience of generations of Indian mothers, would you believe us? It’s true!

The ByGrandma 6 Month Baby Food Chart is a magic tool in your hands, allowing you the power to plan a perfect food chart for your precious baby.

How to feed solids to a 6 Months Baby?

6 months old baby

Feeding babiescan be a daunting task for mothers. Here are some tips to make your mealtime happy and stress-free.

  • Always start slowly, with just one or two spoons and proceed to give more if the baby likes the taste of the new food.
  • Introduce only one new food at a time and wait for the baby to respond to it, before starting another new food.
  • Follow the 3-day wait rule and note down all the new dishes that the baby takes for troubleshooting when there is an allergic reaction.
  • Do not give lumps in food or finger foods for babies as small as six months, as it sometimes causes gagging and even choking.
  • Dedicate a calm and quiet place for feeding every single day to establish a feeding routine.
  • Avoid distraction feeding.
  • Prepare and store the baby food in sterilized steel or glass bowls instead of plastic containers.
  • Give only homemade food for 6 months baby as their digestive system is still immature.

What’s more?

The ByGrandmaBaby Food Chartcan be conveniently downloaded and viewed on a smartphone or mobile device.

The first time you introduce solids, you need to ensure the baby is physically developed to sit upright on a high-seat unassisted and is able to move food to the back of the mouth using up and down jaw movements. As the food is generally in pureed/ porridge form, it is expected to slide safely down the throat. A common method of feeding is using a baby spoon, which is available in different sizes.

WithByGrandma Baby Food Chart, keeping track of your baby’s diet is so easy now!

Make the right choice. The smart choice. Happy feeding!

Read More: Click Here


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